Forum Discussion

kegiddin's avatar
Jun 24, 2018

No water pressure from hot faucet

We have a 2012 flagstaff travel trailer and are do not have water flow from the hot water faucet. The only way to get water flow is to turn the bypss valve to open. We checked the back of the water heater and remove the connector. Doesn't appear to be a check valve (like I was expecting). It appear to just be a WATTS PEX threaded adapter. Wondering what else could cause no water flow.

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  • Thanks for the replies.

    We removed the piece at the top of the hot water line. It looks just like this:

    Doesn't appear to be a check valve.

    The cold water line looks similar although we did not remove the piece.
  • Most people do not recognize a check valve when they first go looking for one. Take a picture of the water pipe going into the hot water tank at the bottom, and then take a picture of the outlet at the top.

    When you compare the two, you will likely notice that in the top there is a very small threaded addition, only about 3/4 of an inch long, at the top.

    That is the check valve. Because you have flow on bypass, it's not the faucet. It's a frozen check valve as Old Biscuit says.
  • No HOT water flow from ANY Faucet/Shower.......then Check Valve in Water Heater HOT OUT is clogged/jammed/failed

    No HOT water flow at one faucet....then faucet diverter valve is clogged/failed (internal cartridge)