Forum Discussion

DieselBurps's avatar
Jun 16, 2016

Northstar truck camper with Silicone sealant?

I have 2011 Northstar truck camper, it looks like they used butyl tape and Silicone on the exterior seams. Can anyone with a Northstar confirm that silicone was used?

I was in the process of resealing all exterior seams but noticed it looks like they used silicone on a lot of exterior seams. I thought Silicone was a big no no?? I wonder why they would use silicone and continue to do so? I have Sikaflex 221 I was planning on using but sikaflex says not to use it over silicone.

  • Grit dog, I agree 4200 and 5200 are not caulk, I am going to use sikafelx 221.

    As far as the silicone goes, I guess maybe I will just leave it since I can't even go over those seems with new silicone without removing it?? I was really hoping to reseal all seams on my camper, looks like Northstar makes that impossible.

    I don't understand why they don't build the dang things using something better and other than Silicone? I have talked with Rex on the phone in the past, and they act as though their poop don't stink, yet they fail to innovate or try new things. The silicone is just one example. I like my camper okay for the price I paid for it used, but would never buy another one.
  • Don't use 4200 or 5200 as caulk. It's not caulking. Wrong application for caulking camper seams.
    Silicone is a pita to get off. Multiple passes w a single edge razor then clean prep get residue off with a solvent like acetone or brake cleaner.
    Of course test a small spot w the solvent first but generally it's safe on gel coat and enamel, urethane and lacquer paint. Fully cured of course.
  • I have found nothing goes over silicone not even more silicone, It has been an on going project of removing the old silicone from every sealing area on the entire camper. It is a mess but when that silicone gets old it fails at every thing but getting it off the surface of the camper.
  • Looks like nothing can be used over top of Silicone according to 3m. I guess I will be picking up some silicone.

    Really disappointed in North American RV's.
  • I don't think I want to go through the trouble of removing the silicone. I am going to look and see if 3m 4200 will go over the top of the silicone.

    I am at a loss of why Northstar uses silicone on their campers.
  • I have always used 3M 4200 and 5200 on my boats and it holds up to years of salt water abuse. I wonder why we don't see it used more in the RV industry? Cost?
  • Silicone leaves a residue on fiberglass gelcoat that is extremely hard to remove. Much solvent and abrasion is necessary to get rid of it. If you don't remove the residue, it will prevent anything else from sticking properly.

    3M 4200 would be a better replacement.
  • Spoke with Northstar it is Silicone sealant they use. Seems strange, why not just use some sikaflex 220 or other, I would think that would be a better product. I always hear about how not use silicone for sealing an RV, but it looks like I have no choice, and removing it makes no sense. I will cont. to use the sikaflex where the dried up butyl tape is and purchase some silicone sealent from RV store.
  • If you go to their website and email them your question, they will respond quickly and tell you what they use. They have great customer service. I