Feb-20-2019 06:14 PM
Feb-23-2019 10:07 AM
philh wrote:
Are you better off with 2 6v golf cart batteries or 2 12v deep cycle batteries?
SoundGuy wrote:
Forum pundits will automatically say 2 GC-2 6 volt batteries but that ignores inherently higher internal resistance which can cause excessive voltage drop under heavy load from an inverter. A pair of 12 volt G31 batteries, especially AGMs, will offer similar capacity but with much lower internal resistance and therefore suffer less voltage drop under heavy inverter load. Secondly, a pair of GC-2s, while taller, will also have a smaller footprint than a pair of G31s so the space you have available also plays a role. So - the answer is, it depends on your intended use. 😉
time2roll wrote:
Unless you have a large inverter typical max load is less than 10 amps.
Feb-23-2019 07:19 AM
SoundGuy wrote:Unless you have a large inverter typical max load is less than 10 amps.philh wrote:
Are you better off with 2 6v golf cart batteries or 2 12v deep cycle batteries?
Forum pundits will automatically say 2 GC-2 6 volt batteries but that ignores inherently higher internal resistance which can cause excessive voltage drop under heavy load from an inverter. A pair of 12 volt G31 batteries, especially AGMs, will offer similar capacity but with much lower internal resistance and therefore suffer less voltage drop under heavy inverter load. Secondly, a pair of GC-2s, while taller, will also have a smaller footprint than a pair of G31s so the space you have available also plays a role. So - the answer is, it depends on your intended use. 😉
Feb-23-2019 04:31 AM
Feb-22-2019 07:49 AM
Atlee wrote:
Can't plug the TV into a Ford and get any juice from the Ford chassis battery, unless you're letting the Ford idle, and that's not a good solution for electricity for the TV.
And even if you didn't idle the Ford, you'd still have to have the switch turned to ON.
When the Ford switch is off, no power can run from the chassis battery to the TV.
I can't speak to GM products, or Rams.
Feb-22-2019 07:34 AM
philh wrote:
Are you better off with 2 6v golf cart batteries or 2 12v deep cycle batteries?
Feb-22-2019 07:20 AM
Feb-22-2019 03:13 AM
Feb-22-2019 02:36 AM
SoundGuy wrote:Lynnmor wrote:
So you may run out of power just a few times a year? That may be trips lacking the fun factor. One battery deeply discharged is worse for battery life than two discharged much less.
An exaggeration considering the OP said - "We don't do a lot of boondocking, maybe a couple times a year for a couple days." In a pinch one can still plug the trailer into the tow vehicle for light use - i.e. powering a couple of LED lights or running the water pump for showering, etc. Even a portable solar panel could restore some of what is used from a single battery. No biggie at all. A dual battery setup for many is overkill, despite claims to the contrary by forum pundits. :R
Feb-22-2019 02:05 AM
Feb-21-2019 08:47 PM
Feb-21-2019 06:30 PM
BobsYourUncle wrote:Good on Jimmy. The generators would annoy me. I am sure the company is worth it though.
While the rest of us launch our gennys he sits back and laughs at us!
That's Jimmy, best of friends since high school. Always does everything to excess!
Feb-21-2019 06:27 PM
Feb-21-2019 06:24 PM
Feb-21-2019 04:30 PM
Tin-bender wrote:
We don't do a lot of boondocking, maybe a couple times a year for a couple days. Will a single battery be sufficient?
Thanks for your time.