Good choice with a couple caveats. We've had our Mammoth for 15 months and apart from the standard few post delivery problems (bad refrigerator, leaky PEX fittings, leaks around the door etc) it's been an excellent choice. Very well built. The first caution I would give you is that a SRW 3500 will not be suitable. You need a DRW along with upper and lower Stable Loads, 19.5 wheels and airbags. Some may argue the airbags but you'll find that the rear sagging can be mostly rectified allowing for a level ride. Hopefully you bought from a dealer who offers good post sale support. We switched over from an Arctic Fox 1150 dry bath simply due to the extra storage and floor space. Our Mammoth weighs in dry, with personal items at 5320 lbs. With water you could add close to 500 lbs. We anticipate buying a F550 and having a custom box put but that will have to wait until next January.