jjjandrbaker wrote:
Tried to open the outdoor shower door last week when camping, but the key won't turn at all. I'm assuming that the shower head is in the way of the lock mechanism or something like that. I didn't want to force it, because, if the key broke, I wouldn't have been able to open up my storage compartments. I haven't opened it since I winterized earlier. Anyway, if you have experienced this, what did you do to solve the problem?
I bought a vintage camper with no keys...
I tried a CH751... Didn't work.
In desperation I went the route many locksmiths resort too.
I drilled the lock. Popped right open.
(If you do a neat job, you can open the hatch with anything you put in it...
that should get you by until you replace the locks.)
I bought several desk locks (Lowes) the same size as the compartments locks.
Installation about 15 minutes.
The Door lock is another matter...
My door lock is soaking at a locksmiths to try and remove some of the gunk from the inside. If he can he will take it apart and re-key it.