Forum Discussion

ryanb-72's avatar
Apr 08, 2014

Outdoor Shower?

Anyone have any ideas on an upgrade to the stock outdoor shower? The wand that came with the camper barely trickles and the shutoff on the back of the wand does not work. Was hoping to find a replacement that still fits in the cubby. Any upgrades or modifications that still allow it to be used easily but put out some water?
  • My father inlaw had the same issue. We just took apart the head and removed the control ball inside and now it works fine.
  • It's common for these showers to be full of styrofoam chips from the trailer's insulation.

    Remove the head, clean the filter screen and restrictor.

    Never turn a shower head off except at the faucet valves. Otherwise the shower head serves as a temperature blender for your whole water system.

    -- Chuck
  • Mine works quite well. You may want to remove the wand and turn on to flush the line. You would be surprised at what can end up in water lines during the build. You may not have to buy anything. You will probably have to clean the wand as it is probably blocked as well. Just a thought.
  • Great idea, Thank You. I really didnt want to put same thing back on. I will look into the hose end sprayer.
  • We changed ours to the type of Hose/nozzle that some kitchen sinks have. The type that sits at the back of the sink and you pull it up when you wish to use it. We also changed the one in the inside shower too. Both in our truck camper and trailer.

    We do a lot of boon docking in Mexico, so it saves a LOT of water. Also the spray is stronger than that which comes out of the regular shower head.