Forum Discussion

lakeside013104's avatar
Apr 25, 2016

Palomino brand TC, would you recommend?


We are considering a Palomino TC model #2902.

I am to understand that Artic Fox, Adventurer, Lance TCs are higher end units. There are none of these dealers near my location, thus the Palomino.

Does anyone have experience with Palomino TCs? Pros, cons, likes, dislikes are welcome.


  • I had a 2001 Palomino Bronco and it was poorly constructed. Mostly1x2 wood that was stapled together. The fabric top wasn't completely sealed at the corners so bugs and rain got in when the top was up. They may have improved their quality since then, but I went to a Lance hard side and I've been much happier. Aluminum frame and better construction on all fronts.
  • I had a pop-up Palomino TC. I was not impressed at all with the construction methods or materials. I know have a Fleetwood hard side model. These are considered by some to be cheaply made but it's miles ahead of the Palomino.