beemerphile1 wrote:
If RVs were built as sturdily as some people think they should be, they would weigh twice as much and you would need a bigger truck. Everything is a compromise.
Hahaha ... thanks. You saved me the trouble of making this point. :)
OP - Your experience is the same as mine with the dinette on all my trailers. The thickness of the plywood is to make the RV as light as it can be while at the same time resisting the load of a design human backside - wider area than a knee means that it would not fail under butt load but will crack under knee (point) load. Can't get away from using the knee in some cases, e.g. on our U-shaped dinette when moving the day-night shades.
Adding another layer on top is not the best solution since shear between the planes could still result in failure. We I you, I would replace the panel with a thicker piece of plywood after I did a knee test on it.If satisfactory then it would be fine of any other distributed load that a reasonable body can put on it. ;)