I agree with the folks above who say to try to sell it first. Give it a try, disclose the damage and see what happens. If you decide to take a loss, you need to be able to pay the difference in order to pay of the loan. If you put it up for sale you can continue to pay it down until the sale price and the loan balance are the same amount.
If you do decide to part it out remember that some parts are worth more than you think, but you have to find a user that needs it. A new Dometic refrigerator can go for around $1,000 new and if yours is like new you may be able to get close to $500 for it, if you can find the right buyer. I wouldn't start parting it out until you can get the loan balance down to about $1500 so you can get it payed off with the parts you take off fairly quickly. Besides, it may sell sooner than you think.