dewey02 wrote:
:) Hi, two more points.
If you must leave the hitch in your receiver, maybe you could paint it fluorescent orange so people could more easily see it. Or put a red cone on it.
And when the hitch becomes too heavy for me to remove it, and re-install it, maybe it's time to stop towing. Might be time to turn in your license and stop driving altogether.
What an arrogant comment!
I suppose no disabled person should be allowed to drive, since they might not be able to remove a hitch?
X 100 I am one of those disabled full time RV'ers that cannot remove my hitch any longer.
May be if removing the hitch for those that can't watch where they are walking, is so important then ROBERTSUNRUS could follow me from campground to campground, and take it off and put in on for me?
My hitch has never been off in almost 9 years of full time travel.
It has been walked into only once, by a young lady on a cell phone.
Not a large danger to the average person. Enough said.