Hi ya 'Geewizard'! How's it goin? Keep'n those polar bears in line?
Geewizard wrote:
Regarding bears and pop-up TCs......I'd sure like to hear any factual evidence regarding the dangers. All I've read so far is WAGs and assumptions.
The only RVer on record as having been eaten by a bear was in TT in Colorado. Pulled the door right off the frame. Bears can get into _anything_.
There have been invasions of pop-up tent trailers in recent years. Maybe with some injuries, too, but no deaths that I'm aware of.
A guy in a nylon tent on the main road near Cooke City (just outside of Yellowstone NP) was eaten by a starving sow a couple of years back. That is an area that has seen some campground restrictions in recent years, too - - hard sided campers only (which arguably doesn't include pop-up truck campers, but...). If there is any such restriction, you don't wanna be camping there regardless of what kind of camper you have. You're better off a couple of miles away by yourself in a National Forest. I think Colorado and maybe California have finally wised up and just shut down campgrounds to _everyone_ when they have an agressive animal problem.
In any event, having a run in with an agressive animal in the lower 48 is extremely rare. And usually the human is at fault: "Oh! Let's go over and pet the bison, Johnny!" Despite the intense anti bear programs they have had in Yellowstone for many years, it seems that campgrounds still get raided by bears, there. Friends of ours from Germany reported being awakened in the middle of the night by rangers running through the campground shooting at bears (presumably flash-bangs and rubber bullets). In any event, even if one _feels_ secure in one's camper, the wild animal is much more likely to whack you when you are walking around outside. Bison, bear, moose, elk, javalina, wild pigs,cougars (the feline as well as the human kind!) are just a few of the animals that, on rare occasions, can ruin your day. I myself have dressed appropriately in rattlesnake country (boots and snake guardz) only to let my guard down in the campground where I've nearly gotten 'tagged' walking around in sandals. There's always sumthin wait'n to git ya.