Hello everyone. This is my first post. My wife and I started looking at campers and talking about camping 9 years ago. We fell in love the Jayco Kiwi's, the 23b specificly but the time was never quite right. Well now after quite some time we are the owners of a Kiwi 17a from 2000. The camper is top shape, it was lightly used at best and now with a family it should work great for us. We have a 2004 Honda van, going to put in the prod break control and trans cooler. From all accounts I have read that this little camper tows great behind the smaller vehicles like our van.
We cant wait to started traveling around, we have spent most all of our summers exploring Maine, and while we will continue to return to Maine, we will be hitting the roads and seeing all the WEST has to offer. You can count on loads of question about which campgrounds to hit int he near future.