I thought I had uploaded these months ago. Time flies when you're having fun.
This is our July 4th '09 vacation. We were at the
Ocean Waves CG at the Out Banks, NC. It's a small CG of about 60 or so RV sites. Much nicer than the mega CGs around the area. We were in site #68. It wasn't the most premium site, but, we were next to my friend who has been trying to get us down there for years. We were only a few hundred feet from the beach, it has a nice pool and most everyone were nice neighbors. The mosquitoes were worse than my friend had seen in years past, but, it was a wet spring/summer this year. The July 4th fireworks up and down the beach were better than what we normally see at home. It was a real nice vacation.
I think we brought too much stuff. LOL
We stopped at the NC Hammock Co. on the way home. Take a look at the plant to the left.
That big bush looking thing is a fig tree. That has to be the biggest fig tree I ever saw.