NRALIFR wrote:
The excess flow check valve that’s part of the Acme nut is supposed to shut off the flow of LP if the flow ever exceeds more than your rig would use if all of your LP appliances were turned on at once. The assumption being that if it ever flows more than that, there’s a leak somewhere.
That’s why they make different colors of the nut, it should be matched to the LP system it’s protecting. Apparently your rig came with green nuts, so I assume your systems max usage rate is under 200K btu.
Black is for up to 70K btu
Green is for up to 200K btu
Red is for up to 400K btu
I have a big torch that connects to a 20 lb. LP cylinder that I use to start fires with. It uses unregulated vapor straight from the cylinder, and looks like a flamethrower when it’s going. It’s also very loud. It’s the only propane item I have that has a red nut on the hose.
With red Acme nuts on your pigtails, it will take a much bigger leak to trip the excess flow check valve. :):)
Thanks, good simple explanation, you learn something everyday.