colliehauler wrote:
I find it very interesting the recertification process that some of you described. My understanding for proper certification the cylinder needs to be inspected for damage/rust then filled with water and hydro tested. (Bringing the pressures up to more then operating pressure). Then if it passes stamping the new date on the cylinder for recertification. What some of you described is negligent and irresponsible.
How many have you heard of failing? Two separate businesses years apart looked at my tanks and said; "yep. looks good" and slapped a sticker on it. I think it was $40 bucks for 2 tanks. After he did fill them he smeared some bubble stuff on the valve and said it was good to go. One of my tanks for my mobile home was made in the 30's. The valve still did not leak. I asked if it should be replaced and the old owner said "son that tank and valve was made by Americans in the 30's. The junk we get now is from China. I would leave it alone."
I took the owners advice. :)