Forum Discussion

wowens79's avatar
Explorer III
Jun 24, 2016

Quality differences (Heritage Glen, Surveyor)

We are looking a basically the same floor plan in a Heritage Glen, and a Surveyor. They are similarly equipped. We like the looks (colors) of the Surveyor better, but it is $3500 more than the Heritage Glen.

Of course they are at separate dealers (3hrs apart). The Surveyor dealer says that they are a step up in quality, but its hard for me to tell with all of the Forest River lines what is what.

Is there a notable difference between the two?

What should I look for when I look at them tomorrow??

We've also considered a passport, and it is priced between the two, and liked it also.

Thanks for any insight!!!!
  • You will pick up some general info reading owners forums.

    things to look for, better mattress, LED lighting, flooring, upgrade real wood cabinets , metal drawer glides with drawers that are not stapled together. See how the cabinets are installed and screwed together. It all helps to be a strong secure build in order to bounce down the road.
  • We recently bought a Wildwood 32BHDS and were considering the similar Heritage Glen. IMHO they are all built the same, poorly, just more extras on one or the other. Slide out covers, 2 A/C units fiberglass sides give the HG the edge. We looked at both units real well and found construction/finish quality the same.
  • Surveyor is built differently than most other brands. At one time, the backside of the Surveyor brochure had pictures and descriptions of the build. Try Googling for this info. We did consider a Surveyor, but ended up deciding on a ROO 23SS hybrid. Perfect for us at that time. Good luck.
  • Thanks for the input. We went with the Heritage Glen. We ended up changing floor plans, and the Surveyor had no counter space in the kitchen.

    I will say the the cabinets on the Surveyor were nicer, and the skirting was nicer. The HG had more bling.
  • Surveyor is 6 sided aluminum framing with studs surrounding all openings. Foam core insulation on 5 sides with old school batting in the ceiling. In two years, I've been through ours pretty extensively and do feel that the quality is better than the 8-10 other trailers are be been around.
  • We have a Surveyor travel trailer, and couldn't be more happy. The led lites and the little extra goodies spoil you. A happy camper