delosholly wrote:
You all are giving me a lot to think about. With the cost of a solar system, I want to make the best choice I can. I had not even considered the panels being used to charge the batteries while driving as I thought the truck does that.
I had thought about the theft possibilities, but let me ask one more thing:
We have camped in many areas with large animals roaming freely, from white tail deer up to elk and bison. Has anyone had a large animal or even a person/vehicle damage their portable panels?
Actually, your truck and solar panels can charge your battery bank at the same time. When your battery bank reaches it’s full charged state, their controllers will clip off the excess.
You might consider the alternatives to adding solar, when less expensive alternatives are available that might better meet your needs.
Why SolarAlso, like needing to get up and walking the dog before you wish to get up in the morning, Solar will start working before you set them out for the morning, when permanently mounted.
Where I was stationed this summer, two separate 5th Wheel campers had their Solar panels trampled by the herd of Elk that frequented our area this summer. While it is rare, it does happen. Personally I would be more concerned with my clumsy handling, storing, hail, wind, theft, overspending per dollar to watt or transporting them than danger from wildlife.
Tom_M wrote:
I don't know if it's feasible for a truck camper but I mounted two panels on the side of my coach and a third on the roof.
Slide show of my install
Depending on the season and the location you are wanting to use your solar panels, you can virtually install them anywhere on your TC you wish too. Even to the point you can run your A/C for a few hours.