Grit dog wrote:
Pencil it out first....unless you can be Suuuper saavy with the beater and fix it vehicle, even racking up miles on it wins over 2 vehicles.
Of course there's other things to consider, especially living in the rust belt.
I kind of have that covered. I have a Saab Wagon that was my son's college car. It had to be repaired while he was at school which cost more than I would have liked, but at the time we could afford repairs and not a completely different car. We've since upgraded his car and I have the Saab at home where I can do all the repairs so the maintenance costs will be much cheaper.
I previously tried to sell the Saab and got no hits. My thought now is if I can't sell it, drive the thing until it just absolutely croaks and try to get my repair money back by keeping miles off the truck. When I tried to sell it I used Craigslist only. Since then we've put a few other things on FB marketplace and they sold super fast so I maybe I need to try again to sell the Saab there and see what happens.
Obviously my thoughts are all over the place. Maybe it's a midlife thing or maybe it's just realizing we're a few years away from having multiple kids in college and we need to make sure the financial ship is solidly afloat :H I guess age plays a part too because I'm in the latter half of my working life and I've started paying attention to this stuff a lot more.