I am going to wait for at least 1 year on the ECO RAM. I just do not trust European reliability vs a U.S. mfg gas engine. Case inpoint, my 08 sprinter went into REGEN mode 2 times and under 30k miles. Let me tell you in the middle Wyoming on I80, down to a max of 30 mph and and the nearest sprinter dealer was over 400 miles away. Pulled over and rebooted and it went away. When the low on oil, had to look for the special approval number, oil light would come on 1/2 quart low. Then the warnings about excesive idle and injector issues. Fuel filter replacement is a must at 15k miles and must be done correctly or leaking is the end result. Transmissions are lucky to go 150k miles,forget about huge rusting issues all sprinter owners have in this neck of the woods with salt on the road.It just seemed a very expensive and complicated process compared to the F150.
I hope the ECO meets what we in the U.S. expect, simple reliability with no surprises. I would like to get over 20 mpg towing if possible, but not worth the risk if anything like the sprinter. Time will tell.