samhain7 wrote:
Thanks for your help Jeremiah.
I am moreso curious about the what if. Understood that some people are ok with it. But is it dangerous? What are the potential consequences of me towing this. Our longest trip is about 1hr and 40 min.
Of course we all see the guy with the 9000lb 5th wheel in a standard half ton towing up the highway. I don't see many news articles on rv crashes.
I never recommend anyone exceed the ratings of their truck as the manufacturer has established them for a reason. If you do exceed the ratings for GVWR you can potentially shorten the service life of some components of which some can impact safety. You absolutely should never exceed the tire/wheel/axle ratings as these could have serious consequences. Only you can decide what to do but I always try to err on the side of safety. With a 1089 payload rating you will very likely exceed that rating. The only way to know for sure is to hook it up and have it all weighed.