Jul-22-2015 07:17 PM
Jul-23-2015 08:06 AM
Jul-23-2015 07:53 AM
Jul-23-2015 07:17 AM
Jul-23-2015 07:06 AM
christopherglenn wrote:
Real world, unless someone sprays gas all over the side of you rig, you have very little to worry about. Gas vapor is extremely flammable, but only with a fairly narrow range of oxygen. Too rich and it only burns at the edges of the fuel cloud, to lean and it won't burn. 5 feet off the ground, 20+ feet from the pump, a blowtorch wont light it unless there is a pumping incident.
Jul-23-2015 06:25 AM
Jul-23-2015 06:25 AM
Jul-23-2015 05:46 AM
Jul-23-2015 12:23 AM
Jul-22-2015 11:08 PM
Jul-22-2015 10:34 PM
Jul-22-2015 10:16 PM
Jul-22-2015 09:59 PM
Jul-22-2015 08:14 PM
Jul-22-2015 08:12 PM
Jul-22-2015 07:46 PM