Jun-09-2014 06:50 PM
Jun-20-2014 09:57 AM
Jun-10-2014 06:45 PM
Jun-10-2014 06:36 PM
Old-Biscuit wrote:My understanding was the gas burner provided more BTU than the electric elementThe fridge is more efficient on gas. It will cool down faster with a flame than with the element.
The propane flame does provide higher BTU rating than the electric element BUT is less efficient in providing the needed BTUs in the correct place. The element is attached directly to the perk tube at the correct place for proper transfer of heat to ammonia solution where as the propane flame needs a flue baffle to disperse the heat and rest of heat flows out the chimney.
BTUs transferred to ammonia solution is about the same whether on propane or electric.
Jun-10-2014 04:04 PM
Old-Biscuit wrote:My understanding was the gas burner provided more BTU than the electric elementThe fridge is more efficient on gas. It will cool down faster with a flame than with the element.
The propane flame does provide higher BTU rating than the electric element BUT is less efficient in providing the needed BTUs in the correct place. The element is attached directly to the perk tube at the correct place for proper transfer of heat to ammonia solution where as the propane flame needs a flue baffle to disperse the heat and rest of heat flows out the chimney.
BTUs transferred to ammonia solution is about the same whether on propane or electric.
Jun-10-2014 01:59 PM
My understanding was the gas burner provided more BTU than the electric element
The fridge is more efficient on gas. It will cool down faster with a flame than with the element.
Jun-10-2014 11:11 AM
Jun-10-2014 10:51 AM
Jun-10-2014 06:03 AM
Jun-10-2014 05:45 AM
scotty1946 wrote:
We switch ours over to 12 volt mode and have traveled as much as 5 hours. I understand that some people switch to propane with o problem.
Jun-10-2014 02:20 AM
old guy wrote:The air to fuel ratio for gasoline needs to be in a pretty narrow range of about 14 to 1 in order to explode. Such a range is very hard to achieve in a open air setting such as a gas station, not to mention that the air would not be breathable long before it got to that point.
I fought a gas station fire a few years back where a motor home turned his tank off but no the frig. he started to gas up and fumes got into the frig and the spark ignited the fumes and burned up his MH and a UPS truck next to it. I now travel with the tank off and the frig off and put in reusable ice packs around the food and haven't had a problem with loosing food this way. But yes turn on the frig a few days in advance and make sure the food you put in is cold too, or you defeat your purpose.
Jun-09-2014 11:30 PM
Old-Biscuit wrote:Gsragtop wrote:
Question, someone said the two way units run colder (or get colder faster) on gas then electric.. Is this true??
A BTU is a BTU regardless of heat source
Jun-09-2014 09:54 PM
Jun-09-2014 07:43 PM
Gsragtop wrote:
Question, someone said the two way units run colder (or get colder faster) on gas then electric.. Is this true??
Jun-09-2014 07:33 PM