Relocating Torklift Glow Step Landing Gear legs
Our remounted Torklift GlowSteps with the Landing gear, using the new Stow N Go bracket are really nice.
Cant say enough about them, but...
Before I got our Torklift Landing Gear adjustable legs, looking at the pictures, the 1st thing I always
noted was the legs in front of the tread. Just didn't seem right.
(The picture above, legs are installed per instructions, in my opinion at minimum should be swapped
left for right, button and tube should be outward so tube top not above/in front of tread top).
After receiving and installing them it confirmed that I needed to change the mounting. Sooner or later Id
trip on them. (note pics show both factory and extended length leg tubes, checking both as I go along
to ensure either still work-not part of landing gear relocation)
I simply did not like the location of the legs out in front of the step. Likely void any and all warranty but
I'm addressing. Just saw it as a tripping hazard. It also prevented us from using our landing step.
Primarily though it was the legs sticking up at the outer corners that motivated me.
After mounting the stairs using the Stow N Go bracket I also found the Landing Gear legs hung down
pretty far in the stowed position. I can see most could live with the legs out in front, but also many might
benefit with relocating legs to gain additional clearance, specifically if Stairs are mounted using the
Stow N Go bracket and towing.
To relocate mounting position just need some simple spacers, easiest basically matching existing stair
short bars. 4 required. Spacer (or shortened original hoop) between tread and step arms. Another
spacer between step arm and Lading gear mount plates (so they clear bolt heads when folding). The
over-extension roll pin stops need to be removed.
1/4" x 1" x 24"lg aluminum flat bar, (or cut up hoop) cut to 4 3/4" length with 1/4" holes spaced 1/2"
from end, 3 3/4" center to center. 4 longer 1/4" shoulder bolts , 4 SST or nylon friction washers
First I simply swapped left for right and mounted legs to outside of arms facing rearward. This put the
legs to far back in my opinion. Didn't work when folded-legs hit bracket.
Then I re-swapped left for right but moved the legs to the center vertical arms and mounted to the outside
of step arms facing forward as shown above.
Hang down considerably better. I rehung on camper and noted this also raised the legs stored position
about 1 1/2" and back giving more clearance.
Again this worked but I didn't like stepping on nose of tread with support at the middle of tread.
Still didn't like how far they hung down.
Looking at the legs mounts realized if I re swapped left for right remounting to front but cut mount plate
shorter it would better place the legs closer to front while supporting the tread nose.
More importantly but hard to describe...because the leg tubes will face back of stairs,or behind the
vertical arms, when folded they would end up rotating back and ABOVE the horizontal arms instead of
below toward the ground.
When stairs are stored the legs no longer hang down, they are above lowest part of stairs.
Though cutting not required I did, just cleaner. Relocating the mount holes critical due to 'lightning'
holes. Scribe and drilled. (Cut scribe was to keep middle hole intact, then new 1/4" holes 1/2" from
And cut
Drilled and tapped the spacer bar to bolt thru middle tab giving more support.
Pivot face is the other side of spacer.
I'm reusing the factory (but shortened) hoop. Otherwise that's where the other spacer is used to place
legs outside. Does offer a lot more lateral stability but mostly its where our landing attaches so kept.
If using shortened hoop note bottom of inside horizontal bars needs to be clearanced, almost see the right side.
Either of the 2 new spacers bars can be drilled to reuse the roll pin stops.
Anyway the whole point
Puts the legs WAY up out of the way. Shown with optional extended legs for 'those' occasions but
haven't used. Shorter factory legs clear bracket and that's what we travel with but no pictures.
Legs not hanging down nice,
though for me this is what I wanted to see. Course I had to paint.
Like playing with an erector set- Just some options