stevenal wrote:
Bedlam wrote:
From what you are describing, toe got knocked inwards on the right front causing the tire to scuff when driving forward.
Without affecting the handling? It drives great.
Let’s recap, there may be nothing or nothing significant wrong.
1. You’ve never rotated them, so who knows, under inflation, driving habits, positional wear, all kinds of things could cause a little more tire wear in one area that is not cause for concern.
2. All of the above, plus, the tires are basically wore out. So who knows…
3. It’s virtually impossible that in 33k miles on the front of a big heavy truck that there is no tread feathering. And once there is, wear is exaggerated on the edges (outside) that se the most stress or weight in corners.
4. With the run it blindly method of tire care, only a couple 32nds of different wear in one spot over that many miles is not totally unexpected.
Since you’re due for tires, if this is bothering you that you may kill a new set of tires, spend the $100-150 and get the alignment checked. Toe and camber is all you’re after. And on that truck (4wd I presume) camber better be 0 or **** close, or your ball joints are trashed (not likely) or your axle is bent (even less likely) or the knuckle on that side is out of spec (even less likely).
You want toe at dead zero or slight toe in. I prefer 0. Helps with tire wear without having too much wandering.
And that’s it.
Caster is basically immaterial unless it’s exhibiting symptoms of too much or too little caster. Also not likely.
Then go get ya a new set of baloney skins and worry about something else for the next 30-50k miles.
And watch and rotate them or don’t. Depends what camp yer in there.