popere wrote:
The only thing that we didn't like was the fact that when the slide is "in" you can't access the bathroom.
Some would argue that it's a simple matter to hit the slide switch and extend the slide ... sure, but try that when it's pouring cats 'n dogs outside and you want to retract that slide. Yeah, I know, the slide seals should keep everything dry without first wiping it all down with a rag ... yeah, right. :W For us, any trailer in which a slide restricts full access to the interior of the trailer any time we want is a total non-starter and alone would eliminate it from any consideration. I suppose if all you do is travel directly from home to your intended destination without stopping then this wouldn't be much of an issue but we do often stop - for lunch, for bathroom breaks, sometimes we'll even head to the beach after checking out of our campsite and later have supper in the camper or even shower before heading home - so full access anytime we want, anywhere we want, without having to fiddle with the slide is
very important to us.