Thanks so much everyone!!!!
A little history on my back. In 1972 I was run over by a truck that among many other things broke my back in 4 places. L2,3, 4 and 5. I was on my 2nd enlistment in the Marines. Navy truck, Navy base, Sailor driving. He swore it was an accident. Yeah SURE!!!!!! "I didn't mean to run over that MP"!!!!! :R
I've had 2 previous surgeries, 02 and 08, both just discectomies and laminectomies. Now this portion of my back has deteriorated so much that my spine is bulging to the left.
I agree 100%, PT works wonders and I have done it since the accident. But it is no longer keeping up with the pain, Over the last year I got 3 different spinal injections from the VA but did no good.
I have an appt with a VA surgeon in Portland in Nov. I'm at least going to wait and see what he has to say.
In the meantime I will search for a McKinsey PT person!!!
Thanks again!!!