We made the move - notice I didn't say "upgrade" - from our '07 ROO 23SS to our new Rockwood Ultra Lite 2604 for the same reasons as the OP. It's the perfect trailer for us at the perfect time. However, don't expect to not miss certain aspects of your ROO from time to time. I miss the larger kitchen area - we lost a bit of space, but it's still very workable. I miss the breezes coming through with the bunkends wide open. I miss unzipping one of the end flaps first thing in the morning and watching the birds in the nearby trees. And terribly miss the memories and where they were made with our ROO. Don't miss the extra set up and break down. Don't miss DH getting grumpy when I handed him the PUGS. Don't miss the smaller shower - gotta LOVE the garden shower in our Rocky. Congrats on the change and make a whole new set of great memories!