Forum Discussion

Hondavalk's avatar
Explorer II
May 21, 2020

Schwintec Slide

One side of my slide will not move unless I go to the override mode on my controller. At this point I assume either a wire is loose from the motor or its the wiring harness. My question is, is it best to access the motor and harness from the inside or outside of the RV? Thanks
  • Yes it turned to be a loose wire on the motor itself. I got lucky and was able to solder the wire back on. The motor has wires that tell the controller that both motors are running. If it doesn't detect both running it shuts them off. As long as the wires supply power and ground are good the override will allow the slide to run
  • If a motor wire was loose, I wouldn't think it would move no matter the mode. Does the controller give you a code identifying the issue?