Forum Discussion

Mikesr's avatar
Feb 25, 2017

Searching for a needle in a haystack

Like most of you we are on the quest for that next perfect TT
We currently have a QB bunkhouse that has many shortcomings. Here is our wishlist for its replacement.
32 to 35 ft coach under 10 thousand pounds
Bunkhouse slide along with the living area, triple slide is ideal.
Neo angle shower is a must
A lower door side bunk which means a small or no outside kitchen. (We don't really need or use an outside kitchen) this raises the height of the bunk way to high for our needs.
Hanging storage is a must (amazing how many have none)

I know brand and quality will dictate price, as for now we are looking for at least a floor plan that meets our needs.

We have been to many an RV show, searched many dealers inventory online and visited a few dealer lots. This floor plan exists in many manufacturers but not as specified above.

I know this is detailed but if anyone has a recommendation we'd greatly appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you and happy camping
  • Thank you for all the suggestions, yes there are many floor plans like this. The need for 2 lower bunks is what we are looking for. When the outside kitchen is big the door side bunk is very high and most times if there is a lower bunk it's very narrow. We have seen some models with a lower bunk but then no hanging storage. The angle shower is a must. We've been to many shows and searched many manufacturers websites and dealers YouTube channels and find the same floor plans. I wish the industry would back away from these outside kitchens or make them more an option. I'm sure they are nice for some people just not for us. As for storage I still feel the designers are not users of these products. For a unit that can sleep 10 people as the say, where do you put your stuff ??
    Thanks again, we have a couple more shows planned and more dealers to visit. It's because like a hobby. LOL
  • Umm.......those are everywhere. I walked through several at the RV show. The biggest problem is finding something without an outside kitchen as those are hot right now. However there are many that small kitchens that still have a low bunk height.
  • Check out this Surveyor 322BHLE, it does have a outside kitchen so might not work for you, also Stoltzfus in Adamstown handles them so close to you, if you go ask for Lee that is who we bought from and feel he is good to work with. Good luck and keep us posted.
  • This unit doesnt have all the items your looking for but sometimes you have to make compromises.
    Does not have an angle shower and Im not sure what lower door side bunk is.
    Wildwood 31qbts has a huge bunk house, double slide and tons of hanging storage.
    Main living has a large slide.
    Plenty of space for a family, we love ours.


    I just looked up your current unit and it is very similar to the 31qbts layout except the bunkhouse in the qbts is twice as large as yours.

    Good luck on your quest.
  • Haha you sound just like me. I solved it by having 3 units and use the most unusable lol the pup the most.
  • tnrv'er wrote:
    Mikesr wrote:

    32 to 35 ft coach under 10K
    We have been to many an RV show, searched many dealers inventory online and visited a few dealer lots. This floor plan exists in many manufacturers but not as specified above.

    I think the first sentence of your edited post is where your going to have the problem. Good luck in your search.

    Thank you so much
    I meant 10 thousand pounds not dollars
  • Mikesr wrote:

    32 to 35 ft coach under 10K
    We have been to many an RV show, searched many dealers inventory online and visited a few dealer lots. This floor plan exists in many manufacturers but not as specified above.

    I think the first sentence of your edited post is where your going to have the problem. Good luck in your search.