Yah, I've been full time for last 6+ yrss now and if I were to do it over again, I'd get the single side, no slide...
You get used to the space and instead of 3 steps to the kitchen/bath it'd be 2 steps..
I like the extra room but when moving around it's just another step to set up and close..
So, I'd go with the single/no slide if I had to do it over again.. and solar is great on a sunny day but your Honda 2000i will cover the rainy/cloudy days..
I had 2 separate times and they were nice....
and just an FYI, my slide pin broke so it was stuck open.. the shaft is under the rear bench seat. but that was just recently and an easy fix if you know what it is... and able to find and knock out the pin to put in a new one...
fun eh??? Happy Trails..