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GoinThisAway's avatar
Jan 31, 2015

SmartPlug install in Bigfoot TC

As I noted in my reply to pjay's SmartPlug thread, I've wanted to change out the corded electrical connection on my Bigfoot since I first tried to stuff a cold stiff cord into the skinny compartment provided for it. I never was particularly happy with the typical removable RV cordset replacement so was very interested when I came across the SmartPlug. It's rather pricey though so hesitated for quite a while. pjay9's post got me looking at it again recently and I discovered Camping World now has a direct order arrangement with SmartPlug where you get a 30A outlet and 30' cordset for $240. Still pricey but a better deal than the outlet and cord end sets I'd seen elsewhere. Yeah, I know I won't be able to borrow someone else's cordset if mine goes missing but I'll probably pick up an extra cord end later on and make up another cordset with some superflex.

Here's what I got in the box.

And here’s a closer view of the outlet. It feels pretty solid. Note the rubber gasket provided with it.

And the information and instruction sheet.

Next step, installing it. That’ll have to wait until my Dad comes to visit as I want to install it above the current electrical compartment. I believe there’s a large enough void there but need to cut a pilot hole in the plywood between the two areas. Then I’ll be able to use Dad’s camera wand to check it out before drilling a hole in the side of the camper. But that won’t be for a while, so, to be continued …
  • My biggest worry is if SmartPlug goes under or decides to make a new receptacle design. If that happens, then one has to rewire back to the Marinco setup.

    It is a good design and well thought out... but if I'm in the middle of nowhere and I have problems with my 30A SmartPlug cord, it is a lot harder to replace that than to hit Wally World and buy a standard NEMA type.
  • The connectors themselves are supposed to be bigger than the common Marinco or similar brand plugs.
  • Gripnriprod, what won me over was the ease of connection and disconnection. With the round plug one has to see the slots in order to line it up with the outlet prongs so hard to do in the dark. And the Marinco plug uses a separate cover to waterproof the connection. One can tell by the shape of the SmartPlug how it needs to be aligned to go on and all you do is grip it by the paddles sides and push it on or pull it off. No cover needed to waterproof the connection. It's also supposed to have features that make it less likely to overheat than standard RV outlet. The blades supposedly provide more connection surface area and I've read that it has a thermostatic switch that cuts power if it overheats although the paperwork I received doesn't say anything about this.