Heap64, it sounds like you put some thought into the panel placement. I brought it up because of the (possibly deceptive) photo, and now would be a better time to move it than later. Plus, if you're up north, shadows from items installed near panels can be more of an issue.
But if you did anything with an eye toward where you'd put any additional panels, I trust you. :) And anyone with a battery box that beautiful, well...
Way too many times I've been poking around photos of installations and see panels right next to an air conditioner unit, or placed where they'll be under a raised batwing TV antenna. And a not insignificant number of them are by professional installers, and it's not like that was the ONLY place you could possibly put the panel. Drives me crazy.
Maybe someone planning solar will see your photo and think, "That looks perfect," see my post and think, "Oh wait, there might be a problem," and see your reply and think, "Oh, okay." And, most important, think, "I should make sure I don't have any shadows."