Forum Discussion

mountainkowboy's avatar
Sep 22, 2013

Sold the S&S and Red

My son in Oregon has been bugging me for a few years now to buy the whole I sold it to him, lock, stock, and barrel.

We will be moving into an RV park in between our Moms houses since we seem to be going there more and more now. At 100 miles one way.....the gas is getting expensive, so we need to move closer to them. We've found a nice park pretty close to the middle of them and will be living in our Alpenlite 5th wheel there end. We wont be moving till next May due to the lease that we are in. So I have a little time to get the 5er in "full-time" shape and redesigned the way we want it.

I just picked up an 88 F250 Super-Cab diesel for dirt cheap. She needs a little love, but her bones are good and the drivetrain is solid. We do plan on finding another TC for the 250 in the near future. Not sure of what we'll get but it needs to be 1,000, maybe a 9' or a pop-up..........who knows.