Hannibal wrote:
ShinerBock wrote:
Never said your truck wasn't capable and this it cannot do it......eventually. I just said that the statement you made that your 5.4L SD will tow what a diesel can tow at only 30% more is a load of crock.
Eventually? We run the same speeds in every situation we ran with our diesels. Sometimes faster. My '95 Cummins was only 160hp. I now have twice the hp. The day 310hp isn't enough to tow an 8500 lb trailer is the day I'll give it up.
Are you seriously comparing a 2010 gaser to a 1995 diesel and figuring it is the same with today's diesels?
Also, you may have twice the hp at peak, but you don't at an rpm 30% greater than what your old diesel made its 160 hp . Your old 95 diesel made 160 hp at 2,500. Your 2010 makes 300 at 5,000 rpm. 30% over 2,500 is 3,250 and doubt you are even making 225 hp at 3,250 rpm.
Again, I am not saying your truck won't pull it . I am just saying that it will take more than the 30% higher rpm that you stated.