transamz9 wrote:
Lantley wrote:
The difference in MPG is negligible 1 MPG at most.
Whatever the dually lacks in MPG's is returned via additional braking power.
DRW vs. SRW MPG's is really a non issue.
I still don't understand the braking thing. The brakes are the same on the SWR as the DRW trucks unless a model change. I have never ever been able to lock up my rear wheels on my srw trucks while towing.
The DRW simply gives you more tire surface on the ground which translates into more braking surface,(twice as much surface).
In the end the additional tires provide better braking.
It's not a matter of locking up the tires but a matter of a shorter stopping distance.
Imagine if Fred Flinstone could have stopped using 4 feet vs. 2!