Even if you assume the TT industry is a bunch of money grubbing fools, they are just a portion of the ST tire industry. Many horse trailers, cargo trailers, farm trailers to name a few also use ST tires. Of course they could also be money grubbing fools.
The fact remains, that few if any, of the LT tire makers, from the lowest to the highest quality manufacturers recommend replacing your TT’s ST tires with their LT tires. They would rather loose sales. Considering the 300,000 TT and 5vers sold each year that is a lot of lost sales. Again, what do these people know; they just make the things.
It is true, I am at times critical of the TT industries especially when we hear horror stories of some of the stupid mistakes that are made. Unfortunately, the customer drives quality and price. Hence it seems that only when things go wrong, do we hear complains about quality. The fact is, if you have the money you can buy whatever level of quality you wish.
It is likely that with the purchasing power of the RV industry, if they felt that LT tires would do the job, they would switch to LTs in a heartbeat to capture the savings of increased volume. The fact that the ST tires were developed by the Tire industry for trailer service, rather than expand the role of LT tires which were already seeing some TT use also says a lot. But again we all know these folks are a bunch of idiots who know nothing about TTs and tires.