KenNT...I have an '08 Tundra 4X4 1K/10K Equal-i-zer WDH towing a 25' Keystone Outback 6K dry/normally just short of 7K loaded and 760 tongue wt. Had the same problem of horrible bucking. Got Airlift 5000 airbags which helped some (and are still very useful for towing shorter distances w/o the Equal-i-zer bars), but still way too bad. What I eventually found was I really needed to "tighten-up" the WDH connection (following the factory video guide and measurements) to transfer more to the truck and, in relative terms, it really put the pressure on the hitch bars. THAT stopped the bouncing/jouncing. I know you've got an Anderson, but maybe there's an answer there for you.