JIMNLIN wrote:
larryJM wrote:
the key is putting enough force on the frame from the screw jacks and to do that you CANNOT use the screw mechanism on the jack itself you have to use the tongue jack. With around 200 to 500lbs of force on the screw jack it acts much like a solid cinder block with not movement in any plane or direction.
Sorry but that I've found that doesn't work either.
Like others I've tried different amount of weight on the screw jacks and I've tried using more than 4 screw jacks. One thing I found is more weight on the jack doesn't remove all the wobble and the more weight up to the point of lifting the trailer only increases instability.
Our experiences differs.
Well two of us in this thread alone (Lawrosa and I) and IIRC at least one other report the same level of stability with you being the only one AFAIK that wasn't able to achieve the same results so I'm incline to believe you did something different that what we have done and are recommending here. What amounts of wt did you put on the screw jacks and how did you determine that wt?? I reported what levels I found to be required and can't remember you ever reporting what wts. you found not sufficient or not satisfactory so can you give me a link to the post here where you reported that level of detail since I think I would have definitely commented on it and you are the first AKAIK besides me that have ever even measured these forces so I'm very interested on how you determined these and the details of that experiment.