Forum Discussion

stevennlv's avatar
Jul 31, 2017

Suggestion for small 4 season TT please

I know what I need, just not sure where to start looking (brands / models). This is what I need. I'm a little flexible in some areas, like a smaller bed if I really have to.

1) **Truly 4 season**, at least PNW 4 season. I won't be doing any Dakota's Rockies' wintering.
2) Fully enclosed
3) As small as possible while being fully closed (R-Pod or smaller without having to go outdoors to cook or shower.)
4) Single axle
5) Stove, preferably no oven
6) Fridge
7) AC
8) Furnace
9) toilet
10) microwave
11) shower, preferably no tub
12) Queen sized bed
13) table / seating for at least one

Basically something as small as possible while being enclosed, just big enough for one who does not have much "stuff" and in which I can get through a couple of 25 degree nights and 100 degree days without being completely miserable.

Something like an Arctic Fox / R-Pod hybrid on the size of an R-Pod or smaller.

Does anybody make any such an animal?