The stiffer suspension ties the frame to the axle more aggressively. Since the axle (hopefully) tracks the flat road surface, the stiff suspension will also track the road surface. Taken to an extreme, stiffen the suspension to a point where the frame is effectively bolted directly to the axles and you can have an extremely flexible frame and still have it stay flat with respect to the road surface. Stiffen the frame to where the vehicle acts like a toy car with zero suspension and now a tire will lift with the slightest road irregularity. That excessively stiff frame allows the manufacturers to design a much more compliant suspension without worrying about damage to body components and mounting points from the frame twisting. That's why Ram's new 50,000psi frame is such a big deal. The amazing riding coil rear suspension being put on the new 2500 would be a disaster with a much more flexible frame.