Well, we held our breath and went ahead and bought it !! Didn't get much for our TB - just about paid the HST on the new vehicle !
I did an online check of all the Tahoes and Yukons for sale from Ottawa to Niagara Falls, and "ours" (!) was the best. Lots of Black ones out there which we didn't want. I think it will do fine myself, it has a transmission temperature gauge in the DIC, which I will switch to when windy or going up mountains. Plus lots of other nice electronics, that are desirable but we could have done without.
It can't have been used to tow anything before - it has no brake controller ! We were offered a Reese Controller for $186 installed. Opinions ? I think this must be a timed system. I had a Husky in the TB, not that impressed. Had a Tekonsha Prodigy in a previous 3/4 ton truck. Liked that.
And of course we were offered all the back end things like extended warranty, leather treatment, paint treatment, etc, etc. My opinion is to say no to all !! Other opinions ?
At any rate, THANK YOU ALL, for your opinions, advice, and help ! What a great forum !