Surge protectors are like automobile insurance. Unless you have an incident, you'll never need to make a claim on your insurance. It is possible to go an entire lifetime and never have a single claim. Does that mean the insurance was not necessary? (except the law says we have to have it).
Same is true for a surge protector. You many never need it. BUT, that one time there is a power spike or surge and it blows the electronics in your camper, you'll sure wish you would have had it.
And it's possible, the protector may take "hits" and you'll never know it either. Protectors also protect against low voltage as well as surges and spikes. Low voltage can cause damage to air conditioners and other electronics.
Here again, you do not "NEED" a surge protector, any more than you need flood insurance for your home in the middle of the desert. But, let that one time in a thousand years flash flood come, and you'll be glad you had the insurance.