Forum Discussion

atomicglock's avatar
Jul 22, 2013

Sway control mainteinance?

Sorry if this is a dupe. I did a quick search and didn't find anything.

I bought a sway control bar from Harbor Freight last year because my old trailer acted a little squirrelly behind my 06 F-250 short bed super cab. I'd never had any problems with any of my previous trucks. I blame the short bed. All my other trucks were long beds.

As to my question, The owners manual says, after 1000 miles, I should clean the bar with a wire brush and lubricate it, but, it doesn't say what I should lube it with. Grease? Oil? Graphite? Elephant whiz? Anyone have any recommendations?

Sway control kit:

  • Please refer to a real set of friction sway controls instructions for clarity.

    EZ-Lift Sway Control

    Please do not lubricate the slider bar. Please, please, please, don't do this.


  • BarneyS wrote:
    You never lube the bar itself. I just looked at the Installation instructions and you are correct, they do say to "lubricate all moving parts" on P.10 of the manual. The instructions, as printed there under "after use", are wrong. They are talking about the the threads of the handle and adjustment bolt and also the balls where the sway bat attaches. They are NOT talking about the slider bar itself. I have no idea why Harbor Freight says to do so. Maybe, the manual was written by some idiot who has never towed anything in his/her life.

    Like all things from HF the instructions were written by someone in a county tens of thousands of miles from our country that doesn't speak our language or more than likely does not even know what the part is made for.
  • BarneyS wrote:
    You never lube the bar itself. I just looked at the Installation instructions and you are correct, they do say to "lubricate all moving parts" on P.10 of the manual. The instructions, as printed there under "after use", are wrong. They are talking about the the threads of the handle and adjustment bolt and also the balls where the sway bat attaches. They are NOT talking about the slider bar itself. I have no idea why Harbor Freight says to do so. Maybe, the manual was written by some idiot who has never towed anything in his/her life.

    I'm thinking that maybe it was made in China and the instructions were in English to begin with but might have been lost in translation. I've seen instructions on other things that were made in China and you could just tell that someone along the line didn't quite get it right.
  • I have 2 that I had for 9 years and never cleaned. One finally gave out (the handle stripped) and I bought a new one. Used it for about 600 miles and then BANG it popped the ball on the hitch end. I replaced the ball and pulled the slide bar out and it had a very heavy accumulation of black residue from the friction pad stuck to it. A wire brush cleaned it up.

    I have decided that I probably created my own problem by tightening down the new bar too tight creating excess friction and thus residue on the bar. The old ones were worn enough that I was accustomed to tightening them down pretty hard. My guess is that I would be wise to replace the other as well.
  • BarneyS wrote:
    You never lube the bar itself. I just looked at the Installation instructions and you are correct, they do say to "lubricate all moving parts" on P.10 of the manual. The instructions, as printed there under "after use", are wrong. They are talking about the the threads of the handle and adjustment bolt and also the balls where the sway bat attaches. They are NOT talking about the slider bar itself. I have no idea why Harbor Freight says to do so. Maybe, the manual was written by some idiot who has never towed anything in his/her life.

    X2 You should wipe the dirt and grit off the slider bar but NEVER, NEVER lube the slider bar. It is like you said, would you put oil on your vehicle's brake pads?
  • You never lube the bar itself. I just looked at the Installation instructions and you are correct, they do say to "lubricate all moving parts" on P.10 of the manual. The instructions, as printed there under "after use", are wrong. They are talking about the the threads of the handle and adjustment bolt and also the balls where the sway bat attaches. They are NOT talking about the slider bar itself. I have no idea why Harbor Freight says to do so. Maybe, the manual was written by some idiot who has never towed anything in his/her life.
  • Lynnmor wrote:
    You can clean the friction pad and bar with a towel moistened with brake cleaner. Do not apply lube to the bar or pad. Lube the ball ends with a small amount any grease you have.

    So I don't put lube on the bar? Why does Harbor Freight tell me to do so?

    Does seem counter productive now that I think about it. Why would you lube something you want to make friction? It would be like putting oil on your brakes. Thanks for knocking the cob webs loose.
  • You can clean the friction pad and bar with a towel moistened with brake cleaner. Do not apply lube to the bar or pad. Lube the ball ends with a small amount any grease you have.
  • 95 hits and no one as anything? Come on people! You're better than this.;)