StirCrazy wrote:
Always, you need to get any air out of there befor filling you it will prevent you from a full tank and can cause flame out issues as you tank gets lower I learned.
That's what I have down, too, with all our 20LB BBQ tanks. Had them purged at the local gas plant before having them filled. They do the purge 3 or 4 times before filling, with some attachment gadget with pressure gauge attached. They purge the tank by emptying out the cylinder's factory air fill, then they turn the tank to empty out any water, then, they attach a gas supply, and do a complete gas-through, 3 or 4 times. Then they actually fill the tank. I will shoot some video next time I have a brand new cylinder done again. I will be buying a 40 LB cylinder for a new propane back-up generator we will be getting soon.
I was warned at the gas plant that if my brand new cylinder was not initiated properly, the air in the new cylinder added by the cylinder manufacturer would be full of humidity, and if that humidity (or, any condensed water inside the cylinder) would ruin any gas applience connected to the cylinder (gas fridge, gas water heater, gas furnace, and, regulators!