I have a 11.5 foot TC (without slide), and typically only two of us. We have more than enough storage space for most of our trips (3 to 5 days). I too load the beer first, followed by the wife's Cardboardeaux, and a bottle (plastic) of Whisky (medical purposes). I leave the beer and whisky in the TC. You never know when you may have an emergency, and have to leave in a hurry. I do leave the fridge on 27/7.
With the exception of perishable food and some clothes (wife's usually), we leave everything in the TC. I usually leave 3 to 4 changes of clothes and two jackets in the TC. Typically, we have about 3 to 5 days of canned goods that stay in the TC.
We have an assortment of paper plates, bowls and the like (saves water & less drama), some the simple cheap type, and some the more expensive type. Which we use, depends on what we will be eating. We do have two real bowels. We have 4 real cups and plastic disposable glasses/cups. We use metal knives, spoons, and forks. We can easily serve four people. Pots and pans are limited, two pots, three skillets. I always make sure we have at least 5 rolls of TP, 3 to 4 paper towels. I also leave 5 bath towels in the TC.
I always restock the TC when we return from a trip. Easier to remember what I have to replace. That includes clothes.