It does take a bit of getting used to for sure. We had a nice 9'6" slideout camper and towed a boat about half that weight quite capably. The trick was once at the lake you found a place to park the boat for awhile, while the camper was offloaded to the ground. We used to put the boat in and take it out daily, as this was a remote but very large lake.
One thing we did that worked quite well with the SuperCab was to take out the rear seat back. The cushion (sic) still flips up, but behind there was now a great place to put our reclining lawn chairs. The extra floor space behind the front seat held tools, generator, firewood, and even a platform to put the cat carrier on so she could see out as we drove. Keeping weight forward in the truck worked well to counteract the tongue weight of the trailer which in our case we did not need an extension for.
Another thing to think about is having a longer tongue on your trailer. We had a "Swing-Away" hitch on ours that made the entire length longer, but swung to the side for storage in the shop. That gave it the ability to just hook onto the bumper ball instead of an extension, even with a 9'6 camper. A good boat/trailer shop might be able to retrofit one to your trailer. The further the tongue is in front of the load, the lighter it needs to be.
When you look at T/C's compare the width. Some are a lot wider than others, and that gives room inside instead of short closets. It also keeps the weight up front instead of a more narrow but longer camper.
Good luck.