I tow 6000-8000 lbs behind my truck camper. What you need to nail down first is what size truck camper you want. Currently I have 2-ton 9' camper made for a short bed truck and this combination worked well with my previous F250 even when towing after making some upgrades to the truck. We want a larger truck camper that will scale about a ton heavier than our current one, so I upgraded my truck last fall and am now saving for the camper upgrade.
There are plenty of dual slide 11' truck campers that would work well with your current truck and still leave you the capacity to tow the boat. The triple slide campers plus your hitch weight may bring you too close to your rear axle capacity. Since you plan on towing, look at side door models so you do not have to climb over or on the hitch to access the camper.
BTW: You just missed a truck camper rally in Colorado Springs. You could have seen a large variety of campers and the best company for camper tie downs and towing with extensions also had a booth.