Forum Discussion

Cannon_George's avatar
Apr 26, 2019

TCs, Ham Radio and Kids

Passing along as ‘FYI.’
A ham radio operator, often use my TC as a “Ham Shack.” Active in my local ARES/ACS radio support group and often deploy to support local civic and charity events including Marathons and Bicycle Races.

For many events, I deploy and set up in remote areas outside of cell phone range. In this case, the ability to access repeaters, communicate with an Event Net Control Operator, makes all the difference in obtaining a speedy response, be it as simple as getting more water or even emergency medical support. In rare cases, the ability for a mobile “Ham Shack” to drive off-road to a particular “off-grid” way-point becomes even more pronounced. (The TC is perfect for this)

Most of what I use is simple dual-band (2M/440) communications but on occasion will string out an HF antenna – and listen/chat around the world!

By using APRS repeaters, (Automatic Position Reporting System) one can send short messages to cell phones and e-mail, even though you are way out of cell phone range.

Ham radio clubs all over the country need new, younger members – (to backfill dying and retiring members) I have discovered taking kids out camping, setting up the campsite, then setting up the radio station works wonders! Let them talk! They are hooked and right away I have kids (girls and boys) interested in getting their FCC license – as well as volunteering to support the next event. Especially if it involves camping; something else disappearing from the lexicon of young adults today….

Finally, (in case you are wondering), kids are quite happy to set up their own new-found tents outside the camper, leaving me with my own personal space. I'll cook and feed them. If weather is really bad we’ll adjust; but kids are amazingly resilient to adverse conditions….
