Forum Discussion

SALTYDOG5435S-T's avatar
Jan 08, 2014

The miss adventures of Saltydog and Ladybug

Hello everyone.

I am going to run a thread like sleepy's. It will be interesting to see how long I can get it.

First I would thank everyone for their help in my thread Shortbed to Longbed.

As I said, I would post pictures after the camper was installed.

We were on our way back from Lubbock and had stopped for lunch. Something about not having to find a restaurant is so nice.

We were about 10 miles north of San Angelo, Texas. It was 13:15 on Dec 4, 2013.

This is what the truck looked like at 15:30 on that same day when we got to Ballinger, Texas

Tread separated from the tire and thought it was a hammer.

Read the other post about blow outs and we all agree it is not fun. I was surprised because I did not go all over the road. I was running 75 when it happened. I was very lucky. Then a crew from Red Vector Pipeline Company stopped and helped. Talk about a God send, these guys were awesome. I was in the way. They said they were bored and needed to do something. I could not thank them enough.

Now for the specs of the shortbed camper in a longbed truck. Lance says the balance point is 49" from the rear overhang. The rear tires are 53" from the same point. The tool box in the bed is the problem. The pictures show the truck sitting fairly level. I will add Stable Loads and be good to go. No I will not continue to run 75. Just to fast for this old man.
  • Sugar's first beach trip.

    She was not to sure about everything and was bored a bit.

    Then she discovered what kids and dogs do on the beach:

    And she is a poser:

    And yes I do watch her.

    And at the end of the day:

    This is something we have talked about. We do not know anything about her except her breed is 100% drop off. We think there is some pit and lab in there as well.

    Till next time.
  • I see I need to update this more often. We have been mostly going to San Antonio and parking in the daughter's drive. Grammie needs her grand daughter fix. We also have been to the beach a couple of times. I have so many beach pictures that I only post the ones I am impressed with. But here goes anyway.

    This was 02/23/14 at the First SFCCI Hardhead classic. Just a reason for us to get together and fish.

    Then in March we went to the SFCCI JVC Classic Casting Tournament. Not many get interested about casting in a field but some can cast over 800 feet.

    and finally the passing of the target.

    Will Nash is on the left and is the current record holder in the US for the 100, 125, 150, and 175 gram weights.

    They use a surveyor's total station to be able to measure the distances accurately.

    And now the really fun part.

    This is Sugar. We found her on our carport. We decided me needed a traveling companion.
  • Sorry to hear about the blow-out - glad you survived with only vehicle damage. Wishing you better luck for the rest of your journey.

  • Looking forward to following along on your adventures.
    Are rear tire blow outs commons on SRW trucks? When I weighed mine this past fall I was 400 lbs under the rear tire weight but now I'm wondering if that's good enough.
  • same size as my tire just a different brand. My spare was the same, had to use my compressor on the side of the road. two new rears and a new spare for me.
  • The tire in the after picture is the spare. It is an "E" rated tire. It only had 40psi in it. That is the reason it bulges.

    The tire that blew apart was a BFG 285/75/16 E" rated. It was about 3 years old. It did need to be replaced, I just did not thing so soon. Tread was still 50% more or less.

    I have installed new tires on the rear and will replace the front after I get everything else fixed.

    Hope this helps.
  • I would be interested in knowing the specs on those tires.
  • I literally feel your pain. Fixing the side of the bed is going to run between $3200 and $4500 as they have to replace that side. I would check the wight rating on that tire as the side wall looks way to bulged out for my comfort. I'm still waiting to see if Toyo is going to cover the damage to my truck or if it is coming out of my pocket
  • Ouch! It even bent the rear tie down. I'll be looking forward to your ongoing trip report once you get the damage fixed.