I know we are supposed to stop talking about gas fridges in this thread, but I want to point out one more thing that might be the big problem people are having with them.
They are not efficient like compressor fridges. In fact, they are probably 1/4 to 1/5 as efficient. This means you REALLY need to make sure the ducting and airflow is there so the parts that are trying to cool the mixture are able to do so. A compressor fridge you can practically shove into a closed closet and it will work, but an absorption fridge needs significant airflow over all of those fins. If a bird has built a nest in them or if the rv manufacturer thought it would be cute to have a 1 inch opening for ventilation, you are going to have cooling problems.
A 12V computer fan, drawing about 50mA would work wonders for improving the airflow over those fins. You could wire up a simple 8 bit microcontroller and thermister to have the fan come on when the ambient temperature around the fins is greater than 90 degrees or so.
Ok, last time I comment in this thread about gas fridges...back to the best compressor fridge for the OP.